Another Way to Pray

You have been shown in a previous post that God resides within and you also have the Voice of God though you are unaware of it. So normally you would pray as the lower self, the personality to the higher self-God or his/her Angels.

Lets try something different. Lets reverse things. Let us speak as God who comforts you, the personality. Here are some things that God would say to you. They are of a loving parent to a loving child.


I truly do love thee.

You are beautiful

Be at peace my child, for I am with thee

Whatever brings you joy, is my joy, for I am but yourself

Love, bless and give thanks, that is all I ask.

I am all of you

Where ever you wish to go, I will be there

Try this your self, and you just may start to receive blessings.

And you will realize that you are one with God, not an easy thing.

But by speaking as God, to yourself, you but give blessings.

And don’t take my word for it, try it yourself, prove me wrong or prove me right.


Peace be with thee.

Richard the Essene

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